
Marjoram Ground



Show off your culinary expertise when you spice up your next meal with the passionate flavor of marjoram. Just a little more gentle and delicate, marjoram closely lends itself to the similar pungent and sweet tastes of oregano. Add a little dash of the sweet, aromatic herb to your homemade Italian and Greek masterpieces. Pizza, salads, tomato based sauces, and dressings all sanctify bliss when combined with marjoram. Tickle your dill and parsley broiled fish or meats with a little garnish of marjoram just before serving to maximize the unique taste (it doesn’t cook too well) and you’ll be sure to amplify your next family-style dinner


Marjoram's flavor works well with cheese, tomato, bean or egg dishes. Marjoram is most often used in recipes of French or English origin.


Ground Marjoram.
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